Lenten Retreat at St. Leo's Abbey

Lenten Retreat at St. Leo's Abbey

This silent retreat at the benedictine Abbey of St. Leo is intended to create space for you to be still before the Lord and attentive to his presence during the season of Lent. We will gather at 1pm for a time of teaching, followed by three hours of silence where the abbey grounds will be available to you. We'll then have a final teaching session and dinner. The $30 registration fee includes your time at the abbey along with dinner. 

Register here

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Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday March 5th, we will be gathering at 7pm to celebrate Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent in which Christians around the world devote themselves to prayer and fasting. Our service will be a time of worship, repentance, and reflection on the mercy of God.

All are welcome for this hour long worship service, which includes the imposition of ashes.

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Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday

Join us for our second annual Shrove Tuesday pancake feast! This takes place on the day before Lent, when our Lenten fasts begin, so the Church traditionally has reserved the day before Ash Wednesday to use up all the fatty, sugary, and rich ingredients in their pantry as a way to prepare and make way for the season of fasting. In keeping with Shrove Tuesday (or Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras) tradition, we’ll be feasting together over a pancake dinner and we invite you to bring the most decadent side you can think of!

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Neighborhood Christmas Party

Neighborhood Christmas Party

Mark your calendars for our second annual Neighborhood Christmas Party! We’ll be offering a coffee bar, treats, and a photo op, complete with crafts for kids and a live jazz band playing Christmas classics! We’ll also be offering Christmas meal kits from our food pantry to give away to anyone in need. We’ll need volunteers to run the event and donate to the food pantry, please reach out to Mickey for more information. (We’ll be having a training for all Christmas Party volunteers on Sunday, December 8th in between services)

Shopping list for meal kits:

  • Canned cranberry

  • Canned green beans

  • Mashed potato mix

  • Macaroni and cheese

  • Gravy packets

  • Biscuit mix

Food items can be dropped off in the lobby drop off box.

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Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting

If you’re a member at Trinity, we invite you to join us after second service on Sunday, December 15th, right after service for a Parish Meeting. Please plan on being there, and as always, we’ll be celebrating all of the work that God has done in our parish in addition to going through our annual agenda!

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Greening of the Parish

Greening of the Parish

Deck the halls and concrete walls at our Parish! We need all hands on deck to prep the church for the 12 days of Christmas, so join us on Wednesday evening, December 11th as we decorate our beloved building. We’ll have donuts, apple cider, and jazz records for those who stop by to hang garlands, ornaments, and more!

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Women's Meal Kit Gathering

Women's Meal Kit Gathering

  • 2811 North 17th Street Tampa, FL, 33605 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Want to help us prepare for our Neighborhood Christmas Party? Stop by for a brunch on Wednesday December 11th where we’ll gather to eat, hear a word from Rev. Mickey, and assemble the meal kits that will be distributed at our annual christmas party!

Brunch will be potluck style, so bring a dish to share and bring a feminine product to stock the food pantry. You can register here and we can’t wait to spend time and serve with the women at our Parish.

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Advent Calendar Class

Advent Calendar Class

Come join us to prepare for the season of Advent with a family-friendly crafting session and cookie exchange! We will create Advent Calendars, connect with each other, and explore more about how this season of waiting and expectation prepares us for the joy of the incarnation. All supplies included with your registration; one calendar provided per sign up!

Register here: https://trinitytpa.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2605392

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Faith and Art: A Conversation with W. David. O. Taylor

Faith and Art: A Conversation with W. David. O. Taylor

It's no secret we have a number of artists in our parish: musicians, authors, painters, and more. If that's you, or you just have an interest in the arts, then join us for an online discussion about the place of art in the life of the Church, and the place of the Church in the life of the artist. Joining us will be the Rev. Dr. W. David O. Taylor, a theologian and professor at Fuller seminary who has contributed significantly to the discussion around faith and art through books such as, “A Theater For God's Glory” “Glimpses of The New Creation” and, “For The Beauty of The Church.”

This event is open to anyone interested, and will be taking place over Zoom. Please register here for the link!

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Pumpkin Carving Party

Pumpkin Carving Party

Join Trinity Kids for fall fun! Every registered family will receive one large pumpkin, and will be provided with tools for carving. Additionally, small pumpkins will be provided for younger children to paint and apply stickers! A chili cook-off will provide dinner, sign up to bring your best recipe! The event may occur outdoors, so be mindful of bug spray :)

Register here

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Training Day

Training Day

With our church offering 2 services beginning November 3rd, we’ll need your help! Each of our teams are recruiting for new members to serve in various ways. On Saturday October 12th, we’ll be offering trainings for our Frontline team (greeting & security), Technical team (sound & lyrics), and Altar Guild (processional & acolytes)

Lunch will be provided, please reach out to mickey@trinitytpa.team to indicate which team you’d like to join!

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Family Movie Night

Family Movie Night

You’re invited to our second annual Family Movie Night! Doors will open at 6:00 PM, and we’ll be watching a Night at the Museum at 6:30 PM in our sanctuary. Bring your friends, family (all ages welcome), snacks, and we’ll bring the popcorn, games, and more! Every child that attends will be entered into a back to school raffle for 5 chances to win backpack, supplies, gift cards, and more!

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Blessing of the Backpacks

Blessing of the Backpacks

Join us for worship on Sunday August 11th at 10:00 AM as we celebrate our second “Blessing of the Backpacks”. We invite your children to bring their backpacks to service that morning whether they are entering preschool, college, or any grade in between, and we invite all teachers, faculty, and administrators as well. We’ll be spending a portion of our worship service praying and blessing those who are entering into a new school year!

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Women's Meetup

Women's Meetup

Join us for our women’s meetup hosted at Chrissy’s home in Ybor City (right by the church) on Monday, July 8th at 7:00 PM! Bring your favorite appetizer or snack to share and join the fun getting to know the women at Trinity!

Email mickey@trinitytpa.team or DM the Trinity instagram for address.

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Men's Meetup

Men's Meetup

Looking to connect with other guys at Trinity? Mark your calendars for a night of arcade games, craft beer, and tacos on Monday, July 1st at 7:00 PM at Lowry Parcade!

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Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer

Join us for Evening Prayer this Thursday, June 27th at 7:00 PM at the church. We follow the liturgy for evening prayer in the Book of Common Prayer, lift up the needs of our Parish, and spend time in thanksgiving. Bring your BCP if you have one, or borrow one of ours! If you’ve never prayed the evening prayer liturgy, we’ll be walking through it together, step by step.

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Trinity Sunday Event

Trinity Sunday Event

Join us after our worship service on May 26th for our church’s annual feast day celebration! We’'ll be worshipping through a couple of songs, hearing from a short sermon, and receiving Eucharist, followed by a neighborhood cookout, a bounce house, water balloons, and games for the whole family. It’s going to be a blast, we can’t wait to see you there.

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Join us on Easter Sunday! We are offering two services, 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM on April 09, 2023. Trinity Kids will be open during the 9:00 AM service only, 11:00 AM will be a family service. Baptisms will be celebrated during both services, and we’ll be participating in the Flowering of the Cross tradition as we enter into the sanctuary. Stick around after both services to enjoy an Easter feast with us in the Courtyard.

We can’t wait to celebrate the resurrection of our King with you and your family!

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Easter Egg Hunt 2024

Easter Egg Hunt 2024

Join Trinity Kids and Cornerstone Family Ministries for an Easter Egg Hunt the Saturday before Easter, March 30th from 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM! Bring a brunch-themed dish to share, and enjoy fellowship with the community. Register here!

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Good Friday

Good Friday

On Friday, March 29th at 7:00 PM, we will be gathering to reflect on the death of our Lord. We invite you to join us for a time of worship, prayer, and remembrance.

Childcare will not be provided for this service.

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Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Thursday evening, March 28th, we will be opening the church from 5:00 PM- 7:00 PM for stations of the cross. Feel free to come and observe the stations within the sanctuary at your own pace, and at 7:00 PM we’ll begin Evening Prayer for those who’d like to participate, led by our prayer team.

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Sunday School- Spring Semester
to Apr 28

Sunday School- Spring Semester

Beginning February 4th, we will be offering teaching and discussion around topics of scripture, theology, and the Christian life on Sunday mornings from 8:30-9:45 AM before worship service. The spring semester will be taught by Aprile Sweers and will be hosted at the Cornerstone Family Ministries annex (brick building right next door to Trinity). Our lot will be open for parking, as well as street parking as usual.

Childcare will be provided only with registration, and will be staffed based on childcare needs.

Register for class here!

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Advent Group- Monday Evenings
to Dec 18

Advent Group- Monday Evenings

  • Trinity Anglican Church of Tampa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on Monday evenings at our main campus throughout the season of Advent as we pray together and discuss the sermon and lectionary passages. This is a great opportunity to connect, meet new people, and prepare your hearts for the Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of Christ!

Meeting 12/4, 12/11, and 12/18 at 7:00 PM

Limited childcare will be available, registration is required.

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Advent Group- Sunday Evenings
to Dec 17

Advent Group- Sunday Evenings

Join us every Sunday evening at Foundation Coffee Co. in Ybor throughout the season of Advent as we pray together and discuss the sermon and lectionary passages. This is a great opportunity to connect, meet new people, and prepare your hearts for the Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of Christ!

Meeting 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 at 7:00 PM

Sign up here at our Church Center link!

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Advent Wreath Decorating Class

Advent Wreath Decorating Class

Join us as Meagan teaches on the history and traditions of Advent using the book Sacred Seasons by Danielle Hitchen, as well as teaching us the art of creating an Advent wreath for family discipleship!

Register here to let us know how many will be attending, one Advent wreath per family/household.

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Prayer Team Training

Prayer Team Training

On Saturday, November 11th at 10 AM, we will be providing a training for all those who are interested in serving on our prayer team offering prayer during Eucharist on Sunday mornings.

Apply here or reach out to Suzanne Kehlenbeck or Cory Larkin for more information.

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Security Team Training

Security Team Training

If you’re interested in joining our Sunday morning Security team, then this training is for you! We’ll be going over our policies, procedures, and guidelines for serving on our frontline team as well as sharing the church’s vision for safety at Trinity.

Apply here or reach out to Berto Santiago with any questions.

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Parish Orientation
to Oct 28

Parish Orientation

Visit our Parish Orientation info page to sign up for our Fall membership class! Classes will be held over Zoom on Saturday mornings in October (10/14, 10/21, and 10/28) at 10:00 AM to discuss our church’s beliefs, culture, and what it means to belong. We’ll also set aside time to answer any questions you might have. 

We ask that those pursuing membership attend at least 2 of the 3 sessions, so be sure to mark your calendar!

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Pub Patristics: The Augustine Catechism
to Oct 9

Pub Patristics: The Augustine Catechism

Starting on Monday September 11th, we’ll be meeting at Foundation Coffee at 7 PM for 5 weeks to discuss the writings of Saint Augustine in “The Augustine Catechism”. All are welcome to attend so grab a glass of wine, a coffee, or a beer and join in on the conversation!

We’ll be meeting 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, and 10/9. Paid street parking is available throughout the area. Childcare is not provided for this event, click here to register.

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